
Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting Ready for Transition.

Will's teacher and I were talking about being organized for the process we are now going through. With Will leaving school in December, I need to make sure I am considering all possibilities. There is so much information that comes out of seminars, it is hard to know what the next step is. So his teacher came out with a checklist, if you will, for those of us getting close. I asked her if I could share it and she said 'yes'.

Please understand this is nothing formal, just a checklist put together quick, things to consider. It does cover what steps come next. So for those families getting ready to enter the final stage of school, take a look at this and see if it helps.

Getting ready for Transition

1. How many hours a week will your child need services?

2. Where do you want your child during the week?
* One agency for 5 days
* 2 agencies (2 days at one, 3 days at another)
* Create your own services
* 1 agency and your own services

3. Where do you want them to be during the week?
* One location
* Out in the community
* Mix of being in the community and in the building

4. What do you want them doing during their week?
* What does your child want to do?
Work, Exercise, Recreation, Shopping,
Hobbies, Cooking, Take classes (read/ write/cook)
Music, Arts, Other: ____________

5. Transportation… Driving, Bus?
* Driver’s Ed… ORS* has a driver’s education assessment program
They will determine if they can be a safe driver.
* Riding public transportation… ORS* can provide travel training
* Separate bus for those with disabilities - Did you complete an application?
You can ask the agency to put the funding for this bus in the support agreement
* Family can transport

6. Go visit 3 or 4 agencies with your child, when they turn 20 - contact your local Support and Service agencies
(check with your ORS* office for names)

7. SSI: students can apply to SSI at age 18. Toll Free Number 1-866-964-2038

8. Call your local Developmental Disability office and ask for Intake (to make sure they have
all of the documents that they need to process the application).

9. ORS*:
* Your child can apply to see if they are eligible for a vocational evaluation.
* They can help you navigate paid employment & benefits.

10. Community Support & Parent: ask your child's teacher for name and number

*Office of Rehabilitative Services


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