
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Medi-Share: A Healthcare Sharing Program.

I overheard my husband talking to someone who is looking into some type of health coverage about a program he heard about on a radio station. It is called Medi-Share, a Christian Care Ministry, & it has been in business since 1993 with over $750 million being shared and discounted amoung its members. "It is a healthcare sharing program where Christians share financial resources to pay each other's medical expenses." It is not-for-profit, members make the rules.
How does it work? Your monthly share is matched with another's bills. Christian Care Ministry takes care of the sharing of costs & provides members with a secure way of seeing who you are sharing with so you can pray for them & encourage them.
Based on an Annual Household Portion (AHP), your share amount is 'the annual amount of eligible medical bills that a household is responsible for before medical bills will be published for sharing'. This amount is for the entire family. There are portion options listed here.
They offer a health incentive which allows for a monthly share reduction of 20% for those meeting certain health criteria. This also has a special provision making Medi-Share members EXEMPT from the mandate to purchase insurance by 2014 or pay fines. Guidelines are here. There is a program for seniors. They also offer a plan for groups: churches and Christian employers. Take the time to review it to see if it may be a good fit for you and your family.

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