
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Downs Designs - Fitting the Downs Syndrome Person

Meet Karen Bowersox and Maggie, her grandchild. Karen started 'Downs Designs' when Maggie, born with Down Syndrome, was 4 and she saw the difficulty she was having with clothes fitting properly. You can read her entire story at her site. Karen prides her company on excellent customer service by offering phone and email consultations, as well as walk-in service at her store in Mentor, Ohio. Best of all is their 'try on service' for jeans: after deciding on size and style of the jean, the company will send you 2 pairs. Identify the one that fits the best, follow the directions to mark the hem. Send them both back and 'Downs Designs' will do the rest. Their other products include tee shirts (long sleeve, three quarter sleeve and short sleeve), capris, and shorts. Their mission is to have people wear comfortable clothing that looks good. Too, clothing that is easy to get on and off.
I ran across this company from another site, 'Apostrophie Magazine'. The magazine is dedicated to those with special needs and has a great section on 'special entrepreneurs' - check it out!! It also has covers a variety of topics from life to entertainment to health & wellness. Make sure to check out the 'Featured Profiles' - see what great things our 'special citizens' are doing to make their part of the world a better place. There is also a great article on a woman from New Mexico who was living in a nursing home for a period of time, then found a way into a group home. She was part of a government task force that was started to get folks like her into supported living. She now can come and go as she needs to and is happy. There are so many great stories here to read. You'll leave smiling!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

An App for Caregiver Moms and Military Families

From "AboutOne", the Heroes Program which helps keep track of documents, digital copies of wills and Powers of Attorney, keeps track of previous residences and childrens schools; offers sharing capabilities for keeping in touch with loved ones like with a newsletter. There are discounted memberships. One thing I had not heard of was "Operation Shower".

It began in March 2007. Their mission: is about celebrating, honoring and showing love to military families. Operation Shower is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and our mission is to provide joyful- AWESOME — baby showers for military families to ease the stress of deployment. It has now hosted over 1600 showers for women and their families.

For military families who are expecting a new baby and are experiencing or have recently experienced deployment, we accomplish our mission through:
•hosting amazing baby showers;
•delivering high-quality products;
•creating a shared experience;
•bringing recognition to military families; and
•working with individuals and companies to provide them an opportunity to show their appreciation and love for military families.

From CareNovate Magazine: Social Media & Health Care

I was looking over the online magazine, CareNovate. They have a list of 5 ways that social media has impacted health care, which I found interesting. Here they are: 1) YouTube traffic to hospital sites has increased 119% year-over-year (by Google's Think Insights); 2) 60% of doctors say social media improves the quality of care delivered to patients (by Demi & Cooper Advertising & DC Interactive Group); 3) parents are more likely to see medical answers online 22% use Facebook and 20% use YouTube to search for healthcare
related topics (by Mashable); 4) the most accessed online resources for health related information are -- 56% searched WebMD, 31% on Wikipedia, 29% on health magazine websites, 17% used Facebook, 15% used YouTube, 13% used a blog or multiple blogs, 12% used patient communities, 6% used Twitter, and 27% used none of the above (by Mashable); 5) 30% of adults are likely to share information about their health on social media sites with other patients, 47% with doctors, 43% with hospitals, 38% with a health insurance company, and 32% with a drug company (by Fluency Media).

Monday, October 14, 2013

Competitors Joining Forces for the Patient's Needs.

Reading the lastest issue of RI Small Business Journal, I found an article about a firm called 'Capital Home Care Network Inc' (CHCN) started in 1996 by 3 entrepreneurs who are also competitors with similar services and businesses they own. They realize that there is a group of residents, 18 years and older, that falls through the cracks with minimal or no support with unforseen health issues and decided it would be in everyone's interest for them to band together. These 3 people also want to make sure the public knows their healthcare options making sure they know they have a voice in what provider they choose.
The network is comprised of: Medicare Certified Home Health Agency; licensed Home Care providers; a provider of Private Duty Nursing; an intermediary for Emergency Response Systems. Skill sets offered: skilled nursing; certified nursing assistants in the home; progressive rehabilitation services, specialty wound management, Occupational & Speech therapy, medical Social Work, emergency response.
The article states that the service CHCN provides will help communication between multiple providers for different services. If a patient has a healthcare provider they prefer, the company will offer another service needed and the patient can keep who they like.
Capital will review a patient's Medicare, Medicaid, and whatever other plan they have. CHCN wants to do what they can to avoid rehospitalization. "Their company looks beyond the immediate issue and into the patient's future to create a comprehensive plan for the long term. They have developed a superior process to take care of chronic patient's at home who need care, but cannot afford it or cannot manage it themselves. Our ability to provide care across insurance lines is an incredible asset that allows us the service capacity to meet patients needs."
It also states that Capital has strong relationships with hospitals, sub-acutes (skilled nursing facilities with rehab units), physician practices, community resources, to name a few. As one of the developers says, "Capital works with you, your doctor, and caregivers to obtain care and maximize your wellness". Priority #1 is the patient. They must be doing something right since the company has grown 182% over the past 8 years. Congratulations!!!

Home page for CHCN click here.
Care model click here.
Charter and mission statement click here.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Medi-Share: A Healthcare Sharing Program.

I overheard my husband talking to someone who is looking into some type of health coverage about a program he heard about on a radio station. It is called Medi-Share, a Christian Care Ministry, & it has been in business since 1993 with over $750 million being shared and discounted amoung its members. "It is a healthcare sharing program where Christians share financial resources to pay each other's medical expenses." It is not-for-profit, members make the rules.
How does it work? Your monthly share is matched with another's bills. Christian Care Ministry takes care of the sharing of costs & provides members with a secure way of seeing who you are sharing with so you can pray for them & encourage them.
Based on an Annual Household Portion (AHP), your share amount is 'the annual amount of eligible medical bills that a household is responsible for before medical bills will be published for sharing'. This amount is for the entire family. There are portion options listed here.
They offer a health incentive which allows for a monthly share reduction of 20% for those meeting certain health criteria. This also has a special provision making Medi-Share members EXEMPT from the mandate to purchase insurance by 2014 or pay fines. Guidelines are here. There is a program for seniors. They also offer a plan for groups: churches and Christian employers. Take the time to review it to see if it may be a good fit for you and your family.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Elderly and Falling.

Some good stats on seniors and falls. Read on....

PCAs to help with autistic individuals.

An article from Best Home Care, informs us to check out help from a PCA (Personal Care Assistant) for our individuals with autism.
(picture from Best Home Care) To read more, click here.